Imaging Providers
Members and referring providers contact US Imaging for concierge scheduling of imaging services at participating high quality facilities.
Become a Part of Our Growing Network
Call 877-874-6385 or email providerrelations@usimagingnetwork.com
Increase Patient Visits
- Our goal is to schedule members directly into your high-quality facility
Administrative Ease
- Appointment scheduling is conducted by highly trained professionals
- US Imaging provides your facility with a copy of the physician order
and an appointment confirmation at the time of scheduling
- Members are sent written instructions and driving directions to your facility
Fast Claims Payments
- US Imaging processes and pays claims in a timely fashion
Electronic Claims Submission
Payer ID 50383
Paper Claims Submission
US Imaging
PO Box 21624
Eagan, MN 55121
Imaging Providers
Members and referring providers contact US Imaging for concierge scheduling of imaging services at participating high quality facilities.

Become a Part of Our Growing Network
Call: 877-874-6385
Email: providerrelations@usimagingnetwork.com
Increase Patient Visits
- Our goal is to schedule members directly into your high-quality facility
Administrative Ease
- Appointment scheduling is conducted by highly trained professionals
- US Imaging provides your facility with a copy of the physician order and an appointment confirmation at the time of scheduling
- Members are sent written instructions and driving directions to your facility
Fast Claims Payments
- US Imaging processes and pays claims in a timely fashion
Electronic Claims Submission
Payer ID 50383
Paper Claims Submission
US Imaging
PO Box 21624
Eagan, MN 55121